This is a post that I reflect on myself in 2024 and share some thoughts for 2025.
Two years have passed since I joined my company and I’m now in my third year there. My company is a startup, and the number of members has grown. I’ve also matured and learned a lot about how the company operates. So I got an opportunity to take on a Tech Lead role in a specific area. At my company, a Tech Lead is responsible for designing the architecture based on requirements and leading the implementation with the team. Before this, I only implemented features that other Tech Leads had already designed. The Tech Lead is responsible for all architectural decisions, which does put some pressure on me. For now, I’m enjoying this slightly challenging situation. I’ll continue to work on it in 2025 and want to make good achievements too.
I can’t believe it’s already been more than six months; it still feels like it happened just last year. By the way, I got married. I also bought my own house — an apartment. I’m impressed by how warm it is inside the apartment, thanks to its airtight construction, and by the convenience of having a disposer and a dishwasher. I’m glad I made the decision to purchase early on. Additionally, buying a home gave me a great opportunity to learn about real estate and various aspects of the economy. Having that knowledge feels like it heightens my awareness in daily life, and it brightens my day.
In February, I finished my first marathon in around 3:10. It was a great achievement for me, honestly. Running a good habit that I’ve kept up since 2023 and I will also carry over from last year. In my school days, I used to be really serious about running and sometimes I feel the urge to try to beat my personal best, but it’s important for me to keep at running rather than always trying to beat my best time. So I want to avoid overdoing and lose motivation.
In 2024, I can keep running, learning software-related things and English without burning out. I want to keep doing them. I will have more personal things and it would keep me busy, but I still want to keep up these activities.
My first marathon record.
My home balcony.
Seto-Ohhashi (瀬戸大橋)
Cigar at Mishima, Shizuoka
Spain Trip
Chocolate and Churros in Madrid
Visited hotel in Barcelona
Shellfish food I loved the best in Barcelona
Sagrada Familia
今の会社に転職してから2年が過ぎ、今3年目になった。 今年は、ベンチャー企業なので3年目にもなると半分より古いメンバーになり、会社内の知っていることも増え、特定エリアの Tech Lead というポジションも任せてもらえるようになった。Tech Lead になって何が違うかというと、意思決定の量が増えたことだと思う。今の会社の Tech Lead とは、要件に対して全体のアーキテクチャを設計して、実装していくことだ。前までは誰かが決めたものを実装していくことがほとんどだったが、今は自分が決めるようになった。徐々に責任を伴うような仕事をやれるようになり、毎日楽しく日々を過ごしている。また、インタビューしてもらったので興味あればみてもらえると。
もう半年以上前のことなので、昨年のような気持ちになるが、結婚した。また、それが後押ししたのか、家(マンション)も購入した。 マンションの気密性による暖かさ、ディスポーザー・食洗機の便利さには感動しており、早い段階で購入して良かったと思っている。また家の購入は、不動産やその他経済について勉強する良い機会になった。この辺の知識があると、日々の生活の解像度が一つ上がった感じになり、街を見る視点が増えた気がする。
2024 は 2023 に立てたランニング、ソフトウェア、英語学習を途中で燃え作ることなく継続をすることができた。2025もこれらのことを継続していきたい。2025は大きなイベントを控えているので、忙しさにかまけず継続してきたものを止めずにいきたい。